Senior Portraits? Does Mom Come Too?

Should Your parents come to your portrait session?

Alright, it’s your senior year! Time to nail those senior portraits so you can finally have an awesome photo that doesn’t involve you holding a clarinet in middle school band uniform. But here’s the million-dollar question: Who comes to the shoot? And do you really need to invite Mom, Dad, Aunt Karen, or your third cousin’s boyfriend? 🤔

Bring Mom or Nah?

First off, yes, Mom can come. But before you start groaning, hear me out! Moms are great for a couple of things during a photo shoot:

  • She’s basically your personal stylist. Who else is going to make sure your hair doesn’t have that one piece sticking out? (We love you, Mom.)
  • She has the snacks. Trust me, after an hour of trying to look natural while also pretending to casually lean against a tree, you’ll be starving.
  • She knows the backstory to every embarrassing outfit choice, so she’ll make sure you stick to the good stuff.

However, if Mom’s the type to get a little too involved (“Honey, smile like you did in 2nd grade when you lost your first tooth!”), maybe have a gentle talk before the shoot. Let her know you’ve got this and want to vibe with the photographer without feeling like you’re in a family reunion slideshow.

Who Should Stay Away?

Let’s be real. The photo shoot is about you. So, maybe leave these people at home:

  • Friends who can’t stop laughing – if you can’t strike a pose without them making you crack up, it might be best for them to wait for the final results.
  • Every. Single. Relative. You don’t need a whole entourage cheering you on. It’s not the Super Bowl; it’s a senior photo shoot. We move fast sometimes and an entourage can slow us down- meaning less amazing photos!
  • Your younger sibling – unless you want photobombs of them pulling faces in the background, let them sit this one out. (Unless your sibling is throwing super cool vibes out)

Customizing Your Shoot

Now, let’s talk about your session. This isn’t just some standard “sit and smile” deal. You can make it as unique as you are! Here are a few ways to keep things fresh:

  • Props, baby! Into sports? Bring your basketball. Love painting? Bring some brushes and get creative. Into spaghetti? (Hey, no judgment.) Bring your fork and some noodles!
  • Location, location, location – Your backyard is great, but let’s get a little more epic. Think rooftop, cityscape, or that cool graffiti wall downtown. It’s all about showing off your style.
  • Wardrobe changes – No need to be stuck in the same outfit. Go from chill casual to “look at me, I’m graduating!” vibes. Just be sure to coordinate so you’re not clashing with, like, the sky or a random park bench.

Have Fun With It

Remember, this shoot is supposed to be fun. It’s not a test (thank goodness). Don’t be afraid to laugh, be goofy, and, most importantly, be yourself. Because five years from now, when you’re looking back at these photos, you’ll want to see you — not some posed version that doesn’t feel real.

So, does Mom come to the shoot? Sure, if she’s cool about it. Just remind her it’s your day, your shoot, and your chance to shine. (Maybe promise her you’ll let her post one on Facebook later.) 😏

Now, go rock those senior portraits!

September 13, 2024

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